عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في English.

United Work may have been founded recently, but already, they’ve connected with many Syrians on a deep level and have helped them land jobs and interviews. They’ve provided free education and helped obtain work permits.

In my experience, United Work was a little more than just that. Through them, I was able to join my first reverse-mentoring program. They saw me as more than a refugee – they saw me as a person and always were nonjudgmental, sure to put themselves in others’ shoes. With them, I got an internship that means much more to me than I imagined an internship ever could. They are now helping me get my work permit, but it’s a process that takes some time. United Work(ers) have been kind and helpful, and because of them, life has taken a turn to the better.

Thank you, everyone 🙂

Yasmin Nayal