March 2021

Digi-Trade Project Kick-off Meeting

We are very glad and proud to start Digital Transformation Training within the Digi-Trade project. The project is funded by Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD), in partnership with SPARK, Qatar Charity and United Work, with the aim to improve the digital skills of enterprises adversely affected by COVID-19 and to

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March 2021

Meeting with H&M

As the restrictions and curfews continue due to COVID19 pandemic, all industries and refugee employees very severely affected. Together with our valuable partner H&M, we had an online meeting and shared our concerns over covid-19 pandemic and its effects on the refugees and possible measures to be taken. As H&M

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February 2021

Esenyurt Municipality Visit

On February 10th,  Mrs. Oflu Tuncer paid a visit to Esenyurt Municipality to exchange feedbacks about the activities currently being implemented by United Work on the topic of business registration applications of Syrians (TPC). She also shared the updated figures and outcomes of ongoing projects in the context.

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